9 tips for efficient beauty salon management

9 tips for efficient beauty salon management

We have listed the main ones so that you have insights on how to optimize your administration. Check out:

1. Quality service

Right from the start, we highlight service as a factor that must be taken into account in your beauty salon management. This is because it is through the loyalty of the target audience that this type of business can stand out and grow, remaining in the market for many years.

Today, there are several ways to serve and relate to your clientele, making your day-to-day life easier and adding value to your service.

Online scheduling: with day-to-day practicality, the person managing the salon needs to structure channels that help their clientele by contacting the salon and scheduling an appointment for the procedures. Therefore, invest in appointments via the app, website, social network or Google Reserve.

Scheduling reminders: in addition to making it easy to get in touch with your salon, it’s nice to maintain a relationship with your clients, reminding them one or two days in advance of their scheduling. You can use whichever channel the customer prefers, be it SMS, email or social media notifications.

Relationship building: there is also the option of registering your clients in a system, if they are interested in maintaining a history with the salon. Thus, it is possible to record photos of the latest work, as well as store preferences and observations on services already carried out. This also helps to remember birthdays and create special conditions to attract the customer.

2. Customer experience

Taking advantage of the previous topic, it is important to think about the impressions that your customer has about your service as a whole, taking into account not only the type of service, but also the quality of the place and the service provided.

Take care of the quality of chairs and equipment, as well as make sure you work with products, such as cosmetics , that are of excellence. Keep alternatives in your stock for specific cases, such as hypoallergenic products, for example.

Look inside your establishment and point out everything that can be improved, in order to guarantee an experience that makes the customer want to return!

3. Differentials in service provision

This is also part of caring for the customer experience, although it is not restricted to the beauty salon. Whatever the branch of business, you need to show differences so that consumers prefer your establishment over one of your competitors.

Small details can make a difference, whether it’s ambient music or the famous coffee. However, what can really impact the decision are the promotions and loyalty programs that you can implement in your management.

Comfortable waiting environments, connection to your salon’s Wi-Fi network, are also good options to make the space more receptive.

4. Various forms of payment

The pandemic served to reveal an important detail, which made a big difference in the way some businesses had been managed until then: the variety of possibilities in payment methods. After all, with the need to distance and sanitize items, it has become common to use cards, cell phone apps and even PIX as ways to pay for the service.

This eliminates any barriers that make customers abandon any procedure due to the payment method. Therefore, establishments that only receive cash are a thing of the past!

The best thing is that digitalization and the variety of payment methods, nowadays, bring even more security to the salon manager.

5. Variety of procedures

Another way to stand out in the market is to offer different possibilities and experiences in the same place. In addition to convenience, this saves time for the customer, who can solve everything they need in one place.

It is also possible to think about promotions that can happen when purchasing a combo with two or more procedures, such as a manicure and haircut, for example. There are also services such as beauty days, massages and waxing, which can take advantage of commemorative dates to create attractive campaigns.

Ideally, the consumer should not see your business as more of the same, just another establishment in the beauty industry, but rather a different environment that adds value.

6. Partnerships

As you may have noticed from the previous item, diversifying the services provided is a very important strategy for managing a beauty salon.

But the salon is not always able to formally hire all the professionals needed for this. Many even operate through MEI certification, as individual micro-entrepreneurs.

That’s where partnerships come in, that is, when other professionals with different specializations use your space to provide products and services to their clients, in a complementary way to their work.

For this, just be very careful with the professionals chosen for your partnerships. After all, a wrong choice can damage the image of your salon. Professionals must comply with schedules, respect customers and maintain the climate of their business.

7. Employee management

This does not mean that there will be no signings. In larger salons, for example, it is common to have to invest in staff.

Keep in mind that the team is the lifeblood of your business and will also be responsible for customer service and experience as much as you and your partners.

In addition, it is necessary to define times for entry and exit that must be adhered to in accordance with the established weekly working hours, with their respective times for meals and rest respected.

8. Digital marketing

According to the SBSB , around 75% of beauty salon and hairdresser owners started using social networks to sell their products and compensate for the drop in revenue.

Even with the scarcity of resources and lack of working capital to invest, caused by the pandemic, 44% of owners began to offer new items during this period.

With this, it is possible to conclude that having a digital channel to communicate promotions, news, launches and exposure of your brand is a right strategy for your management. After all, we are in the information age, where the main way people search for products and services is on the internet.

Thus, it is interesting to think about creating a website or registering your salon on Google My Business. This way it is possible to manage your information shown in this search engine, in addition to being found on the map provided by the search giant.

9. Pricing

Here is a point that any manager should be very careful about! To make the pricing, it is necessary to analyze, first, two elements: costs and region.

Therefore, study all your fixed and variable costs and expenses until you reach a minimum amount that can be charged for your services. Then, evaluate the market in the region where your salon is located. After all, it’s no use doing a data survey and arriving at a value outside the average of the other beauty salons close to you.

It is worth mentioning that it is fundamental that they always fluctuate according to the average practiced in the market. Charging too little, even if it does not generate losses, may be viewed with suspicion by customers, as they may associate a low price with poor quality.

10. Financial management

Financial management for a beauty salon is as important as the technical quality of the services provided. This is because, without it, the financial health of the business is harmed, which means that the salon will not remain open on the market for long.

For this, it is important to have the calculations up to date, preferably with the help of an automated system, which guarantees data accuracy. With it, it is possible to generate reports that will help in decision-making, as well as in closing the day and controlling cash flow.

Furthermore, it is necessary to control purchases linked to stock information, for efficient  stock management .

11. Investment in software

In the last topic, we raised an issue that is essential for the management of businesses that want to grow in the market today: the use of automation to optimize data control and application of action plans.

Without technology, companies need to operate through manual controls, whether in notebooks or Excel spreadsheets. This leads to two problems:.

First, there is a lack of information integration, which makes it difficult to view the business as a whole — as is the case with inventory and purchasing.

Secondly, due to the lack of assertiveness of information, since it is susceptible to human errors and rework when control is done manually.


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