INVEST Methodology: learn how to create user stories

INVEST Methodology: learn how to create user stories

When creating a product or project from scratch, it is important to pay attention to some points so that users can use the software in the best way and without errors. Within this development, an important aspect is investing in the user story . However, it is not possible to create a good structure that meets users’ needs alone; it is also necessary to invest in the INVEST methodology .

It is a complementary technique to the user story, which, when well managed, enhances the effects of software development that uses Agile methodologies.

Do not forget that today there are more and more ideas, concepts and practices capable of implementing more agile processes. Therefore, for this to be effective, one of the main features will be addressed, Invest, which makes it possible to manage value-added results.

Check out in this article the main details about the Invest methodology and why you should apply it in your daily life. Continue reading and find out!

What is User Story?

Called user history, it is a technique to describe in a simple, short and direct language the needs of a user for the development of a software product .

It works as a kind of document that portrays the main information of interested users so that all expectations in the delivery of the product are met.

For example: if you buy a cell phone and it is missing a call button, it was a mistake by the developers who did not remember the user’s need to make the call.

Investing in the user story helps prevent these cases, in addition to contributing to a better customer experience.

But what is the INVEST technique and where does it come into the user story? Read below.

What is the INVEST methodology?

It is a technique that accompanies the user story. It is a list of qualifications to standardize the breakdown of user stories, feeding the squad’s Scrum value chain . In other words, it helps in the creation of user stories , based on acceptance criteria for your creations to add value to the project.

Thus, it is divided into its acronyms, meaning:


It means that user stories can be developed independently of each other . Thus, in a microservices architecture there is a separation of domains and responsibilities.

These cuts are validated in stages and prevent fraud, and work without depending on a person in charge.

An example is the situation where in the Onboarding process, there is an API piece that exposes the endpoint for a mobile application to work.


Here the idea is to be negotiable to allow the evolution of scope detail throughout the value chain. In other words, you use a story flexibly so that it can be changed throughout its life cycle.

It works as a kind of continuous learning that needs to be adapted to create the best solution for the problems that need to be solved.

Valuable (value)

In this requirement, the story must generate some kind of value for the end customer . Therefore, it is necessary to be clear about what is this added value to the solution.

For example, in a scenario where we are creating an onboarding solution in an application, several validation steps must be created.

Estimable (estimable)

In this, the proposed scope is analyzed until it is possible to estimate the time needed to complete the development .

Therefore, it takes time to implement the solutions. You might ask yourself:

  • Is the specification of what needs to be done clear?
  • Have all impediments to starting the development of the story been resolved?
  • Is the story small? Is it possible to break it down a little further into more stories?


Don’t create stories that take more than a 10-day sprint to develop.

If this happens, the ideal is to break the story following the INVEST technique to be developed in three days, but if it is not possible to break at this level, do not exceed 10 days.

It is worth mentioning that poorly defined and large user stories can last for months.


After everything is ready, you always need to test . Carry out automated and/or manual tests that validate that the acceptance criteria were successfully implemented.

What is the role of the INVEST methodology in Scrum user stories?

Investing in the INVEST methodology with the user story will help you to have standardized and higher quality stories. In addition, there are other advantages such as:

  • The scope and requirements of each part are more detailed;
  • The team will have more flexibility to negotiate the scope and have new learnings throughout the value chain;
  • From the deliveries of part of the scope, new capacities will be generated and the solution will have more and more value;
  • User stories will be developed faster and in a shorter space of time;
  • Provides more predictability in work, since the delivery time for demands is estimated;
  • More easily tested manually or automated.

Therefore, using INVEST makes it possible to check whether its qualities have been met, in addition to providing more assertiveness to your user story with the needs of users.


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